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Two Way Radio FAQ

Q: What is interoperability?
A: Interoperability is the ability of different governmental agencies to communicate across jurisdictions and with each other.

The National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) focuses on the emergency communications needs of response personnel in every discipline, at every level of government, and for the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGO). Emergency communications is defined as the ability of emergency responders to exchange information via data, voice, and video as authorized, to complete their missions. Emergency response agencies at all levels of government must have interoperable and seamless communications to manage emergency response, establish command and control, maintain situational awareness, and function under a common operating picture, for a broad scale of incidents.
Emergency communications consists of three primary elements:
1. Operability—the ability of emergency responders to establish and sustain communications in support of mission operations.
2. Interoperability—the ability of emergency responders to communicate among jurisdictions, disciplines, and levels of government, using a variety of frequency bands, as needed and as authorized. System operability is required for system interoperability.
3. Continuity of Communications—the ability of emergency response agencies to maintain communications in the event of damage to or destruction of the primary infrastructure.

Q: What is 10 codes or use of plan language?
A: Ten-codes, also known as ten signals, are code words used to represent common phrases in voice communication, particularly by law enforcement and in Citizens' Band (CB) radio transmissions.
The codes, developed in 1937 and expanded in 1974 by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International (APCO), allow for brevity and standardization of message traffic. They have historically been widely used by law enforcement officers in North America but due to the lack of standardization, in 2006 the U.S. federal government recommended they be discontinued in favor of everyday language.

Q: Who gets a two-way radio?
A: Any Navajo Nation Department that has a need for two way radio communications.  Must provide a valid memorandum requesting for two way radio services.

Q: Who replaces two-way radio accessories?
A: The Navajo Nation; if the radio belongs to the Nation

Q: What is a radio tower?
A: Radio masts and towers are, typically, tall structures designed to support antennas (also known as aerials) for telecommunications and broadcasting, including television. They are among the tallest man-made structures. Similar structures include electricity pylons and towers for wind turbines.

Q: Where are the towers located?
A: Piney Hill, Dezza Bluff, Roof Butte, Yale Point Black Mesa, Navajo Mountain, Preston Mesa, Nah Ah Tee, Hunters Point, Roberts Ranch, Ganado, Toyei, Little Black Spot, Mount Powell, LaMosca, Torreon, Huerfano Mesa

Q: Where can I find your work order form?

A: Two Way Radio Equipment Work Order 

Q: How long does it take for an installation?

A: 8 hours


Q: How long does it take to reprogram a radio?
A: 4 hours

Q: Do you repair all makes and models of two-way radios?
A: Motorola: CDM1550/LS, HT1250, HT1000, M10, Astro spectra/Plus, Analog spectra, XTL2500
Icom: F3/F4, F11, F21.

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